Miracle Brew was first published in 2017. Pete Brown has been one of my favorite authors about one of my favorite topics and activities—beer. I don't remember how I first learned about the book, but I was offered an invitation to be a supporter, and thus have my name immortality inscribed in the back with the list of other supports. I gladly did so.
The Long Trip
I've been pecking at this read since I first got it, reading for a few days, putting it aside. Taking it on the plane and reading over vacation. Then again, putting it aside. I guess that happens, but I did thoroughly enjoy this book.
Miracle Brew weaves the story of the four main ingredients that make beer—barley, hops, water, and yeast. And there is one more section—there has to be— the Reinheitsgebot. If you are reading this you probably already know that the Reinheitsgebot, aka the German Purity Law, states at least in one form, that beer can only be made from just four ingredients—barley, hops, water, and yeast. Pete roams the world to visit the most prominent places and people to really explain what goes into beer. Not only from today’s perspective, but from the influencers of its history and development. Bamburg, Germany, to learn about barley, Yakima Valley and New Zealand to meet the hop growers, water, and yeast.
“Along the way, we’ll meet and drink with a cast of characters who reveal the magic of beer and celebrate the joy of drinking it . And, almost without noticing, we’ll learn the naked truth about the world’s greatest beverage.”
Other Resources
Ed’s Beer Site provides an excellent review of Miracle Brew.
You can listen to a bit of the audiobook and a book review from the publisher Chelsea Green Publishing here.
The audiobook is read by Pete at 9 hours - 33 minutes and is available at Audible.
“Brown is an unashamed beer nerd but by some happy twist of fate he’s also a fascinating and engaging writer.”