Saguaro National Park East, Tucson AZ
I have traveled to Arizona a few times and love the climate, the landscape, the people, and the beer. Same with Utah, although I can't claim to understand the beer laws in Utah. My wife and I wanted to treat our daughter, who had just graduated from college and missed many family vacations, to a trip to the desert Southwest. It was a trip about connecting with family, hiking adventures, exploring a new interest in vegan dining, good coffee, and of course, for me, some good beer.
Our trip was in September 2020 during the midst of COVID-19 travel and dining restrictions. While we may have adjusted to the new normal in our lives when you travel to a new town you are never quite sure. Our trip would take us from Tucson, northward to Salt Lake City over the course of 12 days. To give each area the proper treatment I will break this adventure into five short journal entries. If you have been to any of these locals, please feel free to share your experiences and add places and not-to-miss stops for the next time I (and others) travel that way. The installments will include stops at Tucson AZ, Sedona AZ, Grand Canyon and surrounding towns, Kanab UT, and finally Salt Lake City UT. Let’s go for a ride!
Tucson AZ
My wife spent her high school years in Tucson and much of her family still lives in Arizona. As such, I have had the opportunity to travel there several times over the years and found Tucson a vibrant city with many fine beer establishments. My wife’s sister enjoys good beer and if I have questions about a brewery she can provide trusted intelligence and likely has done some first-hand reconnaissance on the place.
I thought with our daughter traveling with us this time I might be able to slip away and take in a few of the breweries missing from my Tucson brewery puzzle. Actually, the opposite was true, my days were planned for me. And while I may sound like I'm groping, I'm not, I enjoyed the trip completely.
So here is the report on some of the stops I wanted to make and the one I was able to (again).
Arizona Beer House, Tucson AZ
I wrote BEER ON THE ROAD: ARIZONA about my Arizona beer experiences back in August 2016. Some of the highlights of that trip included Sentinel Peak Brewing, Dragoons Brewing Company, and 1702 The Address Brewery.
One spot that is always worth the visit to me is the Arizona Beer House. They have a great selection of local and other fine beers, with a variety of beers on tap, but the most impressive feature is the collection of beers they have in the cooler. You can purchase beer to drink there (you pay a little more to drink these trophies on the premises) or take with you. I usually get some of both.
During this trip I was perusing their beer cooler I noticed Higher Math by Dogfish Head 2015, a golden ale brewed with chocolate & sour cherry juice. I remembered when that beer was released as part of the Dogfish 20th anniversary celebration and knew I had a couple aging in my beer cellar. I mentioned that to the staff pouring beer and she said she had just poured one recently and that it held up nicely. It was a few days later that I happened to have a conversation with someone else who had put some of the Higher Math aside. For me, the universe had spoken and was sending me a message to dig into my collection and pull out a Higher Math or two. Of course when the universe speaks you must follow instructions.
A few places that I couldn't get to but are on my list for my next trip to Tucson are Borderlands, Iron John's, and Pueblo Vida Brewing (by beery recon had Pueblo Vida continually on the list).
Saguaro National Park East, Tucson AZ
Saguaro National Park actually has two locations, an east, and a west, split by the city of Tucson. We usually stay on the west side of town and take in a hike or a sunset walk whenever we are in town. I love the desert and have learned to identify many of the desert trees and plants. The history of
Madera Canyon small house.
Madera Canyon is a county park south of Tucson nearing the border with Mexico. It is a locals favorite and a short day hike was in order. One interesting site was the collection of brightly colored and decorated houses near the entrance to the park.
Food & Coffee
Mod Pizza is everywhere it seems and Tuscan has their own too. It is always a family favorite and everyone can find some version to fall in love with. We turned on the family to the balsamic drizzle on pizza.
Summary Destination #1
Tucson is a great city and we always have new discoveries each time we visit. Having family there adds to the inside information on the best food and drink and activities. The mountains in the morning with the sun bouncing off is never dull and the warm dry climate makes you forget about the rain and dampness from back east. And next, we were off to Sedona, AZ.